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15 minute - 6 Week - Full Body - ATH Workout Series - Advanced 301 Apartment / Travel / Home Workouts

  • 28 Steps


This 6 week training series will have you working on every muscle in your body. This series consists of 4 workout platforms. The first is an alternating platform, which we alternate working on different muscle groups on different days. For example on Monday we might work on Chest, Back, and Shoulders. On Wednesday Biceps, Triceps, and Abs. On Friday Legs, Glutes and Calfs. The second platform is Full Body. This platform is pretty self explanatory. Each workout will be a combination of strength and toning exercise that work the entire body. But done in a very engineered way to work all the muscles equally to avoid injuries. The third platform is Iso or Isolation. This platform we isolate a muscle for each workout. For example Monday we would isolate the Chest muscles, and primarily work on exercises that include the chest muscles. Tuesday we might focus on the Legs, Wednesday the Back, and so on. The fourth platform is cardio workouts for PEAK endurance. designed to help strengthen your heart and Lungs. Rest days are now cardio days. This series is designed and engineered to get max results in a small window time frame. That means you don't have to spend hours at the gym to look amazing. These are not designed for beginners, if you are a beginner and want to do these workouts you need a trainer to guide you through them.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app


7 Plans Available, From $49.00/week + $199.00 Down


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